Thursday, November 23, 2006

Summer is finally here

Summer is finally here! The African sun is smiling down on Cape Town, the beaches are coming alive, the mountain is bathing in the sunlight and the people smile even more….

But it is not only the summer that is bringing new energy.

The past two and a half weeks have been so filled with new warm energy for me from all sides. The main reason is that a very good friend of mine was here to visit me and really helped me transform something.

The last few months haven’t been easy for me and I really needed a shift of focus. And there she was; smiling at me at the Airport. My heart jumped and I felt what it means when someone is a real friend.

Over the next few days we wandered around Kalk Bay getting lost in little shops, watched the sunset on Camps Bay and the waves washing up Clifton Beach. We drove around the beautiful coast of the Cape Peninsula, had sundowners at the “Red Herring”, got lost in the “Scratch Patch” scratching for semi-precious stones and of course – as girls do – spent lots of time chatting.

Over the weekend we went away into our own little paradise surrounded by nothing else but trees and birds and our own little river. We re-discovered that you don’t need a man to make a fire and have a good braai and that the stars are bright enough for you to find the way to the toilet at night… (although I must admit the DOTit was helpful ;-)

So much for a very brief summary of the amazing time we had. Besides the fact that it was a huge gift to be able to spend all this time with her it also made me focus on all the beauty that surrounds me here every day. Not that I normally don’t see it, but showing someone else around makes you see things through different eyes again. I really am very lucky that I get the chance to live here, surrounded by all this natural beauty and so many smiling faces - the sun gently rising over the one ocean in the morning kissing the other one good night in the evening.

So there I was after a time of really struggling to keep the light shining now sitting with a real friend. It was amazing to be able to just be. Talking when we wanted to talk, making space when we needed it. Sitting quietly where there was no need for words. Being able to share, knowing there is no judgement between us. The feeling of complete trust.

This time really made a difference to me.