Saturday, October 28, 2006

smiling hearts

Today I spoke to two very dear friends of mine. Something was different to most of the conversations I have had with my friends over the last few months and as their stories unfolded I discovered the reason.


They are in love. There was a smile in their hearts that I could feel even from thousands of miles away. One smile was about a new love, one smile about an old love that was rediscovered.

It was like a breath of fresh air directly into my own heart.

Only now I am realizing how many sad stories I have listened to, how often I have heard depressed, dark, sad, hopeless and angry voices…

This is not to say, that I don’t want to hear these stories anymore. They are part of life and just as the tide comes in and out they are part of the natural flow of things. But in this moment today it was just wonderful to have my own heart touched by the joy and happiness of these to people.

So I am just sharing this here in case any of you need a bit of cheering up for their heart ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi regi,

der beitrag hat wirklich etwas bessere laune gemacht... doofe, doofe arbeit :(