What a fantastic day! I woke up and decided today is the day to have a cup of coffee again. To explain that one: I haven't had coffee in the last three month. And it was kind of a spiacial event. Sounds confusing, I know, but anyway - It was a good feeling.

So I walked down to the Empire Café here in Muizenberg and sat on the beach for a while before I went inside. Ordering my a Cafe Latte I looked out the window and felt peaceful. Not in any way a dramatic sensation, but just in the here and now.

And as I was looking out at the sea my phone rang and the Company I work for called to tell me, my visa and work permit had gone through! What fantastic news!!! For those of you who don't know, this also means I will finally get paid for the work of the last three month!

I spent a little longer really enjoying my coffee and then went back to the beach. Judge for yourself - life is though on a day like this in paradise ;-) Well, finally I also got a call to make a plan for me to view a flat today... I have seen the place from outside and it has just left me with a really positive feeling! So hold thumbs for me today! Am all excited and putting lots of good energy towards it!

Finally I also have to say that the long and tough road of my Shiatsu and Reiki work is starting to show some great results and more importantly also some wonderful feedback from people!
So today I am just grateful that all the inside and outside work I have put in over this last year is starting to show some fruit!!!
Thank you to all of you who have been of such great support for me!!!
...this made me goose bumps...
Ich freu mich so für Dich!!!!
BB aus B
...this made me goose bumps...
Ich freu mich soo für Dich!!!
Echt geil!!!
BB aus B
So good to know that things are looking up at last and you are seeing the light again!
Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass Du das geschrieben hast - warum auch immer, aber mir hat das gerad so einen Schub gegeben, den ich heute extrem brauche. Hat sich die letzten Tage alles so zugespitzt und Deine Worte haben den Knoten platzen lassen. Würde sagen mein kleines Zwischentief ist überwunden - es geht bergauf :-)
Danke Engel! Kuss Bianca
I am looking forward to share all these moments with you... in another way than this fantastic thing called telephone (!), can make it possible...
The amazing power of coffee ;-) It really is great to see how things have fallen into place - and how the universe is smiling on you.
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