Thursday, June 01, 2006

Back to earth

Hey everyone!

I think when I wrote my last post my mind was a bit all over the place so I was getting slightly carried away with my thoughts... Sorry, had a very rough weekend ;-)

Feeling a bit more down to earth again and just wanted to send out a big smile to all of you!



Anonymous said...

Aunque no hay ningun razon por cual tengas que disculparte... sobre todo no por los pensamientos que tienes, los que has puesto aqui...

Although there is no reason for which you have to say sorry - not for thoughts you have, especially the thoughts you´ve posted here...

danke für Dein Lächeln - und willkommen auf der Erde... schön, Dich hier zu haben.

Anonymous said...

i have been following your blog for some time now and have become moved by your insights , comments , feelings and courage.

Life moves in such strange beautiful ways . Just when we think the ship is in the harbour and that something has landed on our shore it is washed out to sea at first with a shriek and a scream and then in time it leaves the horizon with a quiet whimper or washes up again as something very differant , changed by time and rhythym offering something so completly differant.

You seem to be on a journey that is taking you nearer and nearer to your heartbeat , a rhythym that sings when you hike , do aikido or explore Reiki.

What has led you to look so deep into your soul? What are you searching for ? You seem so soft and open and yet so strong .The hardness of life does not show in your face or your shadow side . You seem to be learning to dance with your shadow , understanding its patterns and growing to accept it as part of your richness without being blind to its traps and trickery.

What do you dream for in this moment?

Anonymous said...

If you would like to connect and see my blog send me a sign