Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I want

I want you to listen to with me without judging me.
I want you to voice your opinion without giving me advice.
I want you to trust me without expectations.
I want you to help me without deciding for me.
I want you to take care of me without suffocating me.
I want you to see me without seeing yourself in me.
I want you to embrace me without smothering me.
I want you to encourage me without insisting
I want you to hold me without holding onto me.
I want you protect to me, genuinely.
I want you to approach me but not as an invader.
I want you to know what you dislike about me.
For you to accept it and not try to change it.
I want you to know…. that today you can count on me.

By Jorge Bucay
Translated by me
So please feel free to correct me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schön,dass Dich das Gedicht so sehr beschäftigt. Ich weiß nicht mehr, ob wir damals schon darüber gesprochen haben. Was man bei der ganzen Übersetzung beachten sollte ist, dass "quiero" auch heißt "ich liebe". Daher weiß ich nicht, ob es überhaupt übersetzbar ist. Andersrum weiß ich micht ob ich wirklich jemanden sagen möchte "Te quiero". Na ja, typisch latino eben. ;-)